Agency Store/Retail Partner FAQ

Q: When did the program come into effect?
A: All sales channels for beverage alcohol began applying a refundable deposit amount to wine, beer and spirit containers starting February 5, 2007. Only wine, beer and spirit containers purchased in Ontario on or after this date are eligible for a refund.

Q: What are the deposit rates?
A: Most wine, beer and spirit containers 631mL or over carry a $0.20 deposit; those 630mL or under carry a $0.10 deposit; wine, beer and spirit containers 100mL or under are exempt but can still be returned; aluminum cans over 1L carry a $0.20 deposit; those 1L and under carry a $0.10 deposit.

Q: What wine, beer and spirit containers can customers return to Agency Stores and Retail Partners?
A: All wine, beer and spirit containers (glass and plastic (PET) bottles, Tetra Pak containers, cans, bag-in-box, steel and aluminum containers) can be returned to Agency Stores and retail Partners.

Q: Will I have to pay the deposit amount when I buy product from my LCBO?
A: Yes, deposits are handled in much the same way as beer container deposits. The deposit will be included in the price you pay to the LCBO when you pick up the product.

Q: How do I sort wine, beer and spirit containers for TBS to pick-up?
A: Further information on TBS services pertaining to Retail Partners and the Deposit Return system can be obtained by contacting John Lee, Manager of Business Development, The Beer Store at 905-361-4170.

Q: Do I have to accept returns of all wine, beer and spirit containers or can I continue to just take back beer bottles?
A: Agency Stores and Retail Partners are required to charge a deposit on all wine, beer and spirit containers over 100mL, to accept returns of these wine, beer and spirit containers and to refund the deposit to customers. Participation in this program is mandatory.

Q: I've heard that The Beer Store (TBS) stores have the option of directing returns of more than 120 wine and spirit containers to “bulk return locations” – will I have the same option?
A: The Beer Store (TBS) recognizes the need for providing accessible return service to Ontarians in all regions of the province. In some areas, Agency Stores and Retail Partners may be required to receive larger volumes of returns from licensees to ensure that Ontarians have access to the program. Please contact The Beer Store (TBS) for further information on this service.

Q: What do I do with the wine, beer and spirit containers once I've collected them?
A: You are responsible for informing The Beer Store (TBS) of the number of wine, beer and spirit containers for pick-up at the time of placing your regular order, and The Beer Store (TBS) will retrieve them, refund your deposit and provide your handling fee during the course of your regular beer delivery.

Q: Will I be required to follow any procedures for storing and handling these wine, beer and spirit containers prior to pick up by The Beer Store (TBS)?
A: Yes. Please contact The Beer Store (TBS) for these requirements.

Q: My storage space is already very limited. Will The Beer Store (TBS) increase deliveries and empty bottle pick-ups to take care of the extra volume of wine, beer and spirit containers?
A: The Beer Store (TBS) will provide service that is consistent with your current system for dealing with beer empties. The Beer Store (TBS) will provide free pick-ups of empty wine, beer and spirit containers during beer deliveries. When you place your order with The Beer Store (TBS), you will be responsible for letting them know how many empty bottles you have for pick-up. For further information on services provided by The Beer Store (TBS) please contact the The Beer Store (TBS) Call Centre at 1-888-948-2337 or visit

Q: How will The Beer Store (TBS) be sure it will have room for all my bottles each time it makes a beer delivery?
A: The Beer Store (TBS) has experience in delivering and backhauling beer containers, and is currently planning changes necessary to accommodate wine and spirit containers. Agency Stores and Retail Partners can help by advising The Beer Store (TBS) of the volume of empty wine, beer and spirit containers they have on hand when placing orders for beer.

Q: Do I receive any compensation for my involvement in this new program?
A: Yes. The Beer Store (TBS) compensates Agency Stores and Retail Partners for the services they provide.

Q: Is this program in place because the Blue Box isn't working?
A: To the contrary, Ontario’s Blue Box program is very successful. In fact, today, 25 years after it was introduced, it is acclaimed the world over as one of the most recognizable symbols of environmental responsibility. Thanks to the Blue Box, we’ve made exceptional progress in diverting our waste in this province and millions of Ontarians have changed their views and -- more important -- their habits with respect to environmental stewardship.

Deposit Return enhances the Blue Box program, helps to increase the number of wine and spirit containers that are recycled, and frees up space in Blue Boxes, allowing municipalities to expand recycling programs.

Q: Where can I get more information about the program?
A: Details on the program and government's contract with The Beer Store are available at Further information on TBS services pertaining to Retail Partners and the Deposit Return system can be obtained by contacting John Lee, Manager of Business Development, The Beer Store at 905-361-4170. Questions about your Agency Store operations should be directed to Marisa Kraus, Agency Administration Department, LCBO at 416-864-6778. LCBO will provide public information materials to display in your store that will respond to customer questions as of February 5, 2007. Details on the government's contract with The Beer Store are available at

Ontario Deposit Return Summary Chart

LCBO will start collecting deposits on wine, beer and spirit containers: February 5, 2007
The Beer Store (TBS) or other designated return locations will start accepting returns and providing refunds: February 5, 2007
Beverage alcohol container returns will be accepted and refunds provided at these Commercial Return Locations:
  • The Beer Store (TBS) Stores
  • Empty Bottle Dealers*
  • Commercial Return Locations
  • Agency Stores
  • Retail Partners
Deposit Rates:
Wine, Beer and Spirit Containers

Glass bottles, plastic bottles (PET), Tetra Pak containers, bag-in-box
Deposit / Refund Amount
Containers less than or equal to 630mL 10¢
Containers over 630mL 20¢
Aluminum and steel containers Deposit / Refund Amount
Aluminum and steel containers less than or equal to 1L 10¢
Aluminum and steel containers over 1L 20¢
Exempt containers
  • Containers 100mL or less (e.g., 50mL minis)
  • Containers purchased at duty-free stores, U-Vint and U-Brew
No deposit collected or refund offered for these items

* The Beer Store (TBS) has contracts with approximately 150 Empty Bottle Dealers in rural communities.

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